Although these masks prevent the spread of COVID-19, researchers warn that it could be releasing chemical pollutants and nano-plastics.
In an article written by BBC News, they mentioned that the Swansea University team discovered that masks thrown in our oceans release heavy metals and plastic fibers.
'“Before the pandemic, we were looking at reducing the use of plastic straws, reducing packaging, but now we are looking at hundreds and thousands of these masks being disposed,” said the project leader, Dr Sarper Sarp, of the university's College of Engineering.'
After continuously experimenting with masks, the researches found that it contains traces of lead, antimony and cadmium. These heavy metals can be toxic in low doses, and are often linked to the dyes used in producing these disposable masks. And at the rate of its production, it's evident that the pollutant risk it poses will accumulate. The heavy metals it contains are also "bio-accumulative" according to Dr Geraint Sullivan. This means that they cannot be removed from water systems and will only continue to build up.
These masks have proven to be an effective preventive measure against COVID-19. However, if these masks are not improved or properly disposed of, they will only harm our environment. And if our environment is damaged, we will also face the consequences. That is why we must continuously work together to produce solutions that will not only keep us safe from the virus, but also protect our environment.
Wear your masks, but properly dispose of them.
There are many things you can do to help save the environment. Check out our other posts to learn more.
Covid: Disposable MASKS Pose POLLUTANTS risk, study finds. (2021, May 04). Retrieved May 12, 2021, from